
Hello there dear human. I created this website for you, specifically those of you who do not know. If only I could be there in person to greet you, how wonderful that would have been. As for me, I decided to run away again, back to the ruins of the Peace Dimension, I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. The golden grass that sways in the pleasant breeze, the little purple flowers that grew between them, barely peaking out above the height of the grass. It is rather lovely here, don't you think? It's so nice here, who don't you join me sometime?
If you were planning on fooling me by pretending to know what I'm talking about or who I am, trust me, I already knew. Nobody else is here after all. I'm not even the one who wrote this out, much less know who this is here, I never did a thing. Some human on Earth must have emulated my exact thoughts without me knowing, but who am I to judge. It would not be the weirdest thing to happen to me. I'm not human after all, and yet all over again I am. I have human skin, human emotions, yet the experiences I've had are far from human, much closer to a robot or even psychopath if you are so inclined. I'm not on Earth anymore, but I suppose I never was to start.
This being said, I advise you leave. I have been alone here, undisturbed for years now, ever since we got a final word on SCARY's death. We collectively, and by "we" I mean the other monster hunters and parties involved, all started to dissapate after that. My friends all left and I went alone, back to this godforsaken abandoned place of peace. Even though there are scraps and bits of unresolved conflicts and issues within the air around me, I feel better here knowing that its at least tied to the experiences I had.
I recently lost contact with Sasha. It was an accident, but nonetheless, now we're left with the remains of what we did. I went and returned to the abandoned factory on foot, only to find the factory was still operational. Partially. See, an undiscovered rover, one meant to be my creation, sprang to life after the death of SCARY. Where, how, or any minor details to assist my knowledge are gone, but she's all I have. She's back in the factory though, begging me by the day to return to her so that she's not alone. The phone still rings with unknown numbers daily, and coming out here, living out here, it brings me back to life.
For those of you who still want to know the truth in its entirety, I suppose I can help you. Everything and nothing happened all the time. People came and went as the planet turned on its axis of 23 degrees. Nobody was anywhere, and yet they were all here. I once killed one of them by accident. Did I catch your attention yet? Your decreasing attention span that I so sweetly want to expand with my own tools? I never killed him by the way. He was killed by his brother. His father I suppose. The being we all were supposed to worship. Pray to. Bow down to. ALL HAIL YOUR KING, ARISE DARKSTAR! Old Askaristrader could tell you, but he's gone now. Back up with the dark heavens we all go to someday.
I'm sure you didn't want to hear old me ramble on about nothing forever, but I could. There were a few main Rovers that followed us throughout our journey, those few have their own pages. The Triumvirate has a page too, but as important as they were to the catalyst for starting this entire mess of a dimension hopping and world psychology breaking adventure that I still want to return back to as soon as I can, we knew little about them. The major events that happened will all be listed in detail, with the authentic invitation copies attatched as well. Don't test your luck by trying to reawaken any dimensional beings that are mentioned either. If you try it'll just leave you with a dead end that gets you nowhere. You would better spend your time rewatching Possibly In Michigan picking out small details from the early 1980's pop culture through the grainy aftermath of mortality.
If you truly do get lost here, human. One piece of advice for you. Listen closely. Read intently for my next few words. Ready? Nobody will help you. My mind was so past the point of sanity that this all made sense to me, and it still does. I lay here in the golden grass while failing to comprehend how I even got to this place at this point in time. Shooting stars dot your skies at times, and yet we can explain them better than I can feel my own soul hold hands with my reality. Good luck to you and your discoveries. May luck remain within your bones and willpower infuse your heart.